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5 Best Forex Brokers & # 038; Plataformas para iniciantes.
Com centenas de corretores forex para escolher, pode ser esmagadora para os iniciantes que procuram começar.
Como um novato, há algumas coisas importantes para procurar em um corretor:
Regulado & # 038; bem estabelecido & # 8211; você precisa escolher uma plataforma que seja segura. Se um corretor estiver em torno de 10-20 anos, e é regulado por alguém como a Autoridade de Conduta Financeira, você deve estar em boas mãos. Conta demo ilimitada & # 8211; Você não quer ser apressado para abrir uma conta ao vivo por ter uma conta de demonstração limitada no tempo. Todos os corretores neste artigo oferecem contas ao vivo ilimitadas, permitindo que você se sinta confortável com sua plataforma em uma conta demo sem arriscar dinheiro real. Depósito mínimo e # 8211; Como novato, você provavelmente ganhou não quer depositar uma grande quantidade de dinheiro imediatamente. Como tal, você deve procurar uma corretora que permita que você comece por depositar qualquer quantidade que você esteja confortável. Nós classificamos cada intermediário & # 8217; s min. deposite abaixo. Mini / Micro contas & # 8211; Se você quer fazer pequenos negócios, você pode trocar por mini lotes (10 mil unidades de moeda base) ou micro lotes (1.000 unidades de moeda base) em vez de lotes padrão (100.000 unidades de moeda base). Como tal, você precisará verificar se a corretora oferece uma mini conta ou micro conta.
Embora as taxas e os spreads sejam importantes para considerar, estes devem ser secundários para encontrar um corretor que seja respeitável e ofereça o tipo de conta certo para você. Abaixo estão algumas contas de corretagem a serem consideradas.
5 corretores de Forex para iniciantes.
1. AvaTrade.
O AvaTrade foi estabelecido em 2006 e é considerado um dos maiores corretores de Forex online no mundo de hoje. Forex, CFDs e ações estão disponíveis para comércio.
A AvaTrade é regulada pela MiFID e pelo Banco Central da Irlanda (bem como por outros órgãos governamentais). Uma característica distinta deste corretor é que é oferecida uma seleção de plataformas de negociação veneráveis ​​(incluindo o MetaTrader 4).
Assim, o iniciante será capaz de determinar qual é o mais apropriado para suas necessidades exclusivas. Também deve notar-se que todas essas plataformas estão disponíveis; O tipo ou tamanho da conta não é relevante. Um centro educacional verdadeiramente massivo também é encontrado diretamente no site. Esta seção incluirá ferramentas úteis, tais como:
Tutoriais de vídeo Guias comerciais Webinars Atualizações do mercado ao vivo Calendários econômicos.
De muitas maneiras, esta seção é ideal para aqueles que exigem uma visão aprofundada da indústria antes de se comprometerem em qualquer posição. Os níveis de suporte ao cliente também são excelentes. Chat ao vivo, telefone e e-mail são fornecidos e a AvaTrade atende cerca de 20 idiomas diferentes. Este suporte está disponível 24 horas por dia.
Para mais informações, você pode ler nossa revisão aprofundada AvaTrade aqui.
O eToro é uma excelente plataforma para aqueles que estão apenas entrando nos mercados fluídos de Forex. Seu # 8220; sem frescuras & # 8221; conceito atrai comerciantes de todos os níveis de habilidade e três diferentes sistemas de negociação podem ser usados. No entanto, uma característica distintiva do eToro é conhecida como o & # 8220; OpenBook & # 8221; sistema.
Isso é muito parecido com um site de mídia social incorporado no próprio portal. Os iniciantes têm a possibilidade de seguir profissionais em um cenário em tempo real. Ao entender quando certas operações devem ser executadas (e quando devem ser evitadas), pode-se obter uma grande quantidade de conhecimento em segunda mão. Existem alguns outros corretores que oferecem esse nível de feedback. Finalmente, os serviços ao cliente fornecidos são bastante robustos. Estes incluem suporte a bate-papo ao vivo, e-mail e uma série de números de telefone dedicados. Representantes multilíngües estão disponíveis (são atualmente oferecidas 19 línguas diferentes).
Para obter mais informações, você pode ler nossa revisão detalhada do eToro aqui.
3. ETX Capital.
Se você estiver procurando por algo mais profissional, a ETX Capital é um corretor muito respeitável, regulamentado pela Autoridade de Conduta Financeira no Reino Unido. Tendo estado no mercado por mais de 10 anos, a ETX Capital está bem estabelecida e oferece um excelente suporte para seus clientes.
Sua plataforma é muito fácil de usar, no entanto, não é tão moderno ou "social" como eToro & # 8217; s. Se você estiver procurando algo um pouco mais perto do que um comerciante profissional pode usar, a ETX Capital é uma boa opção a considerar e eles oferecem uma conta de demonstração gratuita com a qual você pode praticar.
Para obter mais informações, você pode ler nossa revisão detalhada da ETX Capital aqui ou visitar seu site para ver suas contas.
4. Mercados.
Como o nome sugere, este é um excelente recurso comercial para aqueles que estão aprendendo os meandros do mercado Forex.
Os produtos básicos, índices e ações podem ser acessados, enquanto um número impressionante de pares de moedas estão disponíveis. No entanto, uma das experiências mais interessantes dos Mercados é que uma grande variedade de informações é sempre atualizada. Isso inclui análises de mercado, notícias atuais, vídeos de instruções e comentários de profissionais da indústria. Isso é bastante benéfico, pois o comerciante seria obrigado a seguir várias fontes de notícias (potencialmente perdendo uma posição vencedora). O suporte ao cliente é fornecido em mais de 15 idiomas e, como há escritório localizado em todo o mundo, este serviço funciona 24 horas por dia e sete dias por semana.
Um dos principais benefícios do XM é que o & # 8220; Micro & # 8221; A conta de negociação é perfeitamente adequada para aqueles que estão fazendo uma incursão neste mercado mutável. É necessário um depósito mínimo de apenas cinco dólares para começar a negociar. Além disso, um pacote de software conhecido como MetaTrader 4 é utilizado com o XM. Este é um dos sistemas mais fáceis de usar e precisos atualmente disponíveis; um ativo valioso para ser desfrutado pelo novato.
Se um primeiro quiser experimentar o XM antes de assumir um compromisso financeiro, pode abrir uma conta de demonstração que conterá $ 100,000 dólares de & # 8220; virtual & # 8221; dinheiro. O XM é regulado pela BaFIN, pela Autoridade de Conduta Financeira e pelo CySEC (autoridades financeiras de Chipre). Portanto, segurança e transparência nunca são problemas.
Para obter mais informações, você pode ler nossa revisão detalhada XM aqui.
Estes são um punhado do que muitos consideram ser os melhores corretores de Forex para aqueles que estão apenas entrando no setor. Cada um fornecerá a clareza e a visão necessárias para tomar as melhores decisões nos momentos mais apropriados. Com a adição de valiosos materiais educativos e até mesmo sistemas de redes sociais, os iniciantes agora podem aproveitar a ampla gama de serviços que são oferecidos. Na verdade, tornar-se um lucrativo comerciante de Forex nunca foi tão fácil.
Disclaimer: alguns dos links neste artigo podem usar links de afiliados, o que significa que recebemos uma comissão se você configurar uma conta com um corretor depois de visitá-los através do nosso link. Essas comissões ajudam a cobrir os custos de execução deste site, e não adicione nenhum custo extra para você (em alguns casos, fornece taxas melhores), pois nossa comissão é coberta pelo corretor.

Top Ten Forex Forums.
trading platforms for a trader.
Ever since the dawn of online forex trading, messageboards and forums have formed the backbone of the online forex trading community. Although many traders are using social media to interact with each other now, the specificity and ready-made community aspect of forums means that they are still the go-to place for forex traders to glean information and wisdom from one another. Here, we have collected the ten most popular forex forums online so that you can have a look for yourself – starting with the ubiquitous Forex Factory.
Alexa rank: 1,540.
For a long time now, Forex Factory has been the leading online forum for forex traders, with a huge user base and an established reputation. It consists of nine sub-forums on a range of topics including Interactive Trading, Trading Systems, Trading Discussion, Platform Tech, Broker Discussion, Trading Journals, Rookie Talk, Commodities and Stocks, and Commercial Content. As well as displaying these on the home page, there is also a highlights section showing all the most recent posts, one of the best trading calendars on the web, market updates, and news from a variety of online sources. tatistics.
Alexa rank: 4,669.
Unlike most of the forums in this list, DailyFX is owned by a leading broker, FXCM, and the content is tailored towards their clients. However, there is plenty on here to interest customers of other brokerages, and it’s certainly one of the most active forums in the FX community. The forum itself takes a very segmented approach, with no fewer than 24 sub-forums grouped under categories such as Education and Analyst Research, Trade the Markets with our Analysts, Traders Lounge, Forex Education, Automated Trading, and FXCM Account Support and Trading Platforms. In addition to the very well populated English language forum, there are also sub-forums in eight other languages, including Japanese, Spanish, and Swedish.
Alexa rank: 4,211.
As the name suggests, this is the official forum for users of the popular Metatrader trading platform, offering users the chance to dip into the combined expertise of the community that centres around this platform. Despite ostensibly being a forum for MT5 users, there is just as much (if not more) content surrounding the more popular Metatrader 4, and quite a lot of general forex trading discussion for users of all platforms, particularly in the Trading Discussion area of the forum.
Alexa rank: 7,594.
As one of the foremost forex educational websites, it is natural that this discussion board focuses on the needs of beginner traders, although some of the conversations might be of interest to more experienced traders too, especially the Analyst Arena sub-forum. There are dedicated sections for different disciplines, such as fundamental analysis and technical analysis, day and swing trading strategies, and automated trading. A great place to further your knowledge and find answers to your specific questions.
Alexa rank: 9,994.
While the MT5 forum seems to have hoovered up quite a substantial chunk of the Metatrader user community, this forum, which is dedicated to MT4 and its programming language MQL4. Although there is some general trading discussion here, most of the discussions are specifically about programming MQL4 for automated trading and signal generation, so if you’re looking to learn more about this topic or find answers to any questions you might have about it, then this forum is probably the best resource on the web for this.
Alexa rank: 16,708.
While this forum doesn’t really offer anything out of the ordinary, it is very well-populated and you can always get quick responses to your questions. It contains 20 different forums related to different aspects of forex trading, including Technical and Fundamental Analysis, Trading Systems and Strategies, Forex Brokers, and Forex Education, a section dedicated to Metatrader, and sub-forums in non-English languages such as Russian, Chinese, and Spanish.
Alexa rank: 28,603.
Unlike most of the other forums on this list, EliteTrader doesn’t split up its forum into sub-sections, with everything taking place on the one messageboard. This makes it a little trickier to find the topics that you are looking for, but only a little, and it has the knock-on effect of making the forum more inclusive. This means that, whenever you post something new, it will be seen by the whole community, and you will be more likely to get a quick response.
Alexa rank: 24,349.
Although this forum purports to cater for traders in all markets, most of the traffic comes from forex traders, and these sections are by far the most popular in terms of viewer and post numbers. The sub-forums – of which there are many – are divided into categories such as T2W Community, Trading Career, Trading Tools, Trading Control, Trading Methods, Trading Brokers, Trading Choices, and New Traders, but it is the Forex discussion (in the Trading Choices sub-section) that will be of most interest to FX traders, and this is coincidentally the most popular section of the forum.
Alexa rank: 25,668.
Rather than sticking the categories on the home page, this forum just puts all the latest and busiest discussions up there with a link to the sub-forum. This is actually quite helpful, as it reduces the risk of posting a question in the wrong section and not having it seen by the right people. It’s just as well, because one of the main strengths of this forum is that it covers lots of niche areas, with big sections on Metatrader 4 and Harmonic Trading, and these might not have had the chance to grow had they been hived away in obscure sub-forums.
Alexa rank: 85,269.
With the slogan ‘Vision for the Heights, Looking at the Depths’, it isn’t surprising to see that this forum has quite a heavy emphasis on analysis, with a large, well-populated sub-forum dedicated to this subject. With a breezy, non-standard front end incorporating more graphics than your typical forum, and a certain light-heartedness pervading the whole site, it makes a refreshing change from the dry, text-heavy appearance sported by many trading forums. It’s also a repository for quite a wide range of resources that can be useful when trading forex, including free trading algorithms, a forex sentiments meter, and a section on trading systems.
84 thoughts on “ Top Ten Forex Forums ”
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The nice information about top 10 forums. All at one place.
Great article about the best forums – very beneficial thank you forexmaximiser.
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This post is dedicated to all those people who are already in the market and have not been successful and continue with their losses, and all who are planning to enter the business of the stock exchange markets worldwide. Veneforex an organization of experienced traders with over 4 years of experience especially in foreign exchange FOREX market every day new scenarios arises in completing them successfully against most and getting a good monthly return. We provide advice and service gestoria forex accounts worldwide looking for a monthly benefit of 9, 10% for our customers.
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No need for technical analysis or anything. Try forex robots.
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Learn how to harness the power of Fibonacci numbers and trade like a pro!
A lot of these forums have hundreds of forex trading methods are are pretty confusing to most newbies!
Trend Based Trading Plans Using Multiple Time Frames.
Dear Forex Trader / Investor,
have been researching and developing commercial MT4 Forex robots (Expert.
Advisors) since 2008, and currently do have a good number of high.
profitability robots in my arsenal.
purpose of raising some funds to support my research expenses, I would.
like to sell a few copies of my universal MT4 Expert Advisor (robot) for.
trading Forex, stocks, commodities or Bitcoin with any Forex Broker in.
I am selling the robot for a.
symbolic price of US$500.00 for a copy. The price is symbolic because.
the robot is truly worth more money than I am asking for.
The robot can be used to trade Forex (any currency pair), stocks,
metals, commodities or Bitcoin with any Forex Broker in the world on MT4.
trading terminal with good profitability.
can be loaded on as many graphs of the instruments to be traded as.
possível. Recommended maximum value of graphs is 25.
default the robot risks only 10% (0.1) of account free margin per trade,
but this figure can be programmed per client’s requirement. Robot is.
programmed to start with to trade micro lots (0.01) as well.
Robot comes with built-in anti-draw down protection which disables.
opening of new trades if current open trade(s) has/have some draw down.
# 5. Client shall have my prompt and ongoing support during usage of the robot.
# 1. Robot determines and follows only strong trend.
It is a complex robot that opens a trade without Stop Loss or Take.
Profit values. The robot independently decides when to quit a trade with.
# 3. The robot must be used on MT4 trading.
terminal which runs round the clock, Monday thru Friday. Otherwise, the.
robot will not function properly and can miss proper calculations and.
find in attachments a little back test report for the EURUSD pair.
Regrettably, it is impossible for me to run a longer back test due to.
the fact that reading of historic data on small time frames is much.
difficult for the robot.
If you are not satisfied with the robot’s performance after one month of trading, I will gladly refund your Money.
will only lock the robot to your FULL NAME and TRADING ACCOUNT NUMBER.
in order to protect my intellectual property rights. If you have more.
than ONE trading account, I will happily issue you with additional copy.
(copies) of the robot for your accounts.
Please contact me if you find this offer interesting and would like to purchase my robot. My skp ID is “kunal. latest” or gmale “kunalsem”
Your questions are welcome.
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For those having trouble finding a good broker — especially US traders looking for more freedom in trading — try out Trader’s Way. I’d been jumping from broker to broker for years (the popular ones too), finding things I didn’t like with each, until I found them. They have very competitive pricing, STP/ECN accounts, cTrader, mobile platforms, binary options, enormous leverage (if you’re into that), free webinars, quick withdrawals (in my experience throughout the last year or so), and a ton of other options to really let you trade the way you want to. Their company philosophy page says it all: goo. gl/qtO86E.
Best Broker for affiliate is goo. gl/B1Z3wt.
100% Sharing Bonus on up to $10,000.
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Capita One Forex Its was very nice and pleasant experience to start my new account at Capital One Forex. Its very simple and easy u no need to bring paperwork or feel in the forms, simple just one form and u ready to go. many thanks hope to stay with u for long long time.
So far I would recommend this broker to anyone out there who wants to trade forex. Very good and supportive customer support team ready to answer any questions you may have. Just opened a No Deposit Account with them and I hope I will receive my bonus soon. They told me to wait for 24 hours for account verification to complete which is not bad. So far I have had a very good experience with them. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. My account number is 104363.
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Be prepared this time the SNB will intervene again. The ceiling will be between 1.30 to 1.35 (CHF to EUR)
Hi my name is Irfan Gujjar. I’m freaking pissed off about Ironfx. I am a client of them and trying to withdraw from last 2 months. First they said that the payments department.
is overloaded, then they said that since I made a lot of profits then compliance has to approve my withdrawal. How the hell are they processing so long time?
And IronFX boasts on their website that they have ASIC, Cysec, FCA, Eurex license and membership. It’s a big bullshit.
Payment transaction are mentioned Below:
1) 23098813 2014-12-23 WMP3D6J23GNH1I97 Withdrawal – MoneyBookers 975.03 USD Declined.
2) 23100175 2014-12-19 WM339E5649NGRT1C Withdrawal – MoneyBookers 89.00 USD Declined.
3) 23102132 2015-01-05 WM4OBMXKM8NHP77S Withdrawal – MoneyBookers 1,000.00 USD Declined.
This payment declined three times as you see:
4) 23106299 2015-03-02 WMHEFFEC0GNKITR8 Withdrawal – MoneyBookers 1,470.00 USD Declined.
23106299 2015-01-29 WB9N8Y4SN6NK31ZK Withdrawal – Bank 1,470.68 USD Declined.
23106299 2015-01-26 WBIJMLJTMONISZ56 Withdrawal – Bank 1,470.68 USD Declined.
5) 23108970 2015-03-27 WM4SR4IX2BNLV5XK Withdrawal – MoneyBookers 500.00 USD Declined.
Can anybody here share their experience with withdrawing profits from IronFX. I would very much appreciate it. I’ve just been fool not withdrawing earlier from Iron.
If you want to help me contact me on :
EURUSD Daily articles with advanced Fibonacci alert-source from BlueMax Capital 24/04/2015.
At present time EURUSD near to our advanced Fibonacci Buy Stop Line 1.08455. So we expect here perfect Buy Trend. When the market reach 1.08455 we can conform once again our sell entry point using the above Fibonacci.
According to today’s New York session if EURUSD crossed our given buy Stop 1.08455 means it will reach the buy Target point 1.09173 sure. Here we recommend to maintaining the stop loss value 1.07558 to avoid any huger losses suppose market taken reverse order means.
Alternatively if market move to sell trend means we can use the entry point as 1.0666 and we can place there our exact profit point as 1.05942 by the way of our BlueMax Capital Ltd Advanced Fibonacci tool alert.
For sell order stop loss value is 1.07558.
Due to, today USD currency bank data’s EURUSD market expecting more sell trend. Because USD “Core Durable Goods Orders (MoM) (Mar)” Forecast 0.3% is increase from Previous -0.6 %. So all the EURUSD Traders recommend to choose sell order more.
Risk Disclosure: BlueMax Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website including data, quotes, charts and buy/sell signals. Por favor, esteja plenamente informado sobre os riscos e custos associados à negociação dos mercados financeiros, é uma das formas de investimento mais arriscadas possíveis. O comércio de moeda na margem envolve alto risco e não é adequado para todos os investidores. Antes de decidir trocar câmbio ou qualquer outro instrumento financeiro, você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite de risco.
BlueMax Media would like to remind you that the data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time or accurate. Todos os CFDs (ações, índices, futuros) e preços Forex não são fornecidos por trocas, mas sim por fabricantes de mercado e, portanto, os preços podem não ser precisos e podem ser diferentes do preço real do mercado, o que significa que os preços são indicativos e não apropriados para fins de negociação. Therefore BlueMax Media doesn’t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.
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Capita One Forex Its was very nice and pleasant experience to start my new account at Capital One Forex. Its very simple and easy u no need to bring paperwork or feel in the forms, simple just one form and u ready to go. many thanks hope to stay with u for long long time.
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Forex is a great way to earn some money in the net with forex trading, it is very risky as it is offer a high profit return. But without investment we cant play in the forex market, here is a great site to look for a forex no deposit bonus to start forex trading.
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Accepts the following forms of payment: Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal, Neteller, 1-Pay, Skrill (MoneyBookers), WebMoney, GiroPay and Wire Transfer. Minimum deposit amount for another method of payment that is not wire transfer is $50.00. There are small withdrawal fees and you do need to verify your account before you make any withdrawals, just to make sure no fraudulent activities are being performed. Depending on your method of Withdrawal it may take 2 – 15 business days to receive your funds, typically 4-5 business days.
I thought I’d found a good broker – until I tried to withdraw my money. IronFX won’t respond to emails or return calls and it looks like doing everything they can to prevent me withdrawing. Meu conselho & # 8211; avoid ironFX like the plague. Am having a seriously bad time with them and am about to go legal to get my money.
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If anyone’s interested, there’s a trading incubator that funds graduates $100K to trade forex live. I read the interview with one of the Incubator’s 1st graduates here: fdtic/en/an-exclusive-interview-with-fdts-first-global-seed/
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Thank you for this list forex forum. Forums are very useful for the better traders.
Bom trabalho! Mantem.
Forex EA4U Software Corp.
“Investiti” is a group of freelance programmers. We have been working on “Forex” software solutions for about 3 years now. We have completely developed from scratch or supported lots of “Forex” market software solutions.
We have developed or supported: 37 indicators, 13 auto trading systems, 16 data analysis solutions, 2 clients for Norwegian and UK companies.
We have decided to create our own software, we have put our most experienced developers at work. Project started on 2014-02-02 and we reached alpha stage at 2015-08-21. Since alpha we have been testing our software and we can gladly pronounce that we have reached beta stage on 2015-11-27.
“Investiti” main purpose is to filtrate data from social trading websites such as “CopyFX”, “Share4You”, “FXSTAT” and lots of other less known sources. Everything works in real-time. Software connects technical analysis (tracks movements and patterns) with fundamental analysis (“Forex” news and global economic events). This software lets our traders to better understand market movements with improved prediction rate.
Traders are divided into 3 groups:
High risk, 30% – 50% profit per month (Recommended for extra low investments)
Medium risk, 15% – 30% profit per month.
Low risk, 1% – 15% profit per month (Recommended for high investments)
Trader group is determined by their trading aggression and experience. Every traders must pass several tests to determine their risk group.
We are profit seeking organization. We want to attract investments for long term collaboration.
At the very beginning we thought that we should allow users to have their own accounts and let them trade on their own for monthly subscription. But later we decided to let professional traders to do their job, so everyone could make investments with higher percentage of return.
Also system requires lots of resources and flow of users would make thing even more difficult. With this solution we can offer simple investment scheme. We also save money because we do nothave to create whole UX/UI, because we can train our traders to use advanced “Investiti” user interface without simplifying it.
And lastly we can all agree that investor is more connected with “Investiti” than monthly user.
Overall we have created solution for both, professional traders and investors. Investors do not have to learn trading on “Forex” market at all.
What is our goal today?
For now we beta version and we are seeking for investors. We are gathering “pool” of investments.
First “pool” has to be collected until 2015-12-20.
We will stop any investments on 2015-12-20 and we will start preparing accounts for every investor personally.
On 2016-01-02 we will start trading and every little detail will be available for our investors. For 6 weeks we will be working with invested money.
On 2016-02-07 we will start collecting second “pool” of investment.
On 2016-02-12 all money with profits included will be transferred back to their owners.
On 2016-02-21 we will stop second “pool” investments, so you will have a chance to invest in second “pool”.
Every cent of first “pool” goes back to investors hands, because first “pool” will be made with beta version of our software.
We have high safety standards.
We will write down major security & insurance points.
Every investment is divided into several pieces, each peace for different trader. Trader will not be inform with which investment he will be working with. So if one trader takes loss, others may take profit. Later our software calculates profits for each investor based on their settings.
For example: You have invested 250 Eur and 19 other investors have invested 250 Eur too. We have 5000 Eur overall. We divide 5000 Eur into smaller pieces something like 1000 Eur x 5. So 5 investors will work with 1000 Eur each. At the end of “pool” we calculate profit and divide it to investors based on their personal settings.
This in very basic explanation, technically it is more complex than this.
Another very important thing is our insurance.
Investor is granted with 1% profit. You can raise your insurance percentage each “pool”, for example if you made agreement for 2 “pools” you will have 2% granted return.
Each “pool” without withdrawal raises insurance by 1%. For example if happens that “pool” is unprofitable, for example your profit percentage is 0.7% and insurance is 2% and you want withdraw your money, we will refund that 1.3% from those who are participating in next “pool”.
While “pool” is ongoing you cannot withdraw your money. So even if we have unprofitable “pool” you will receive profit.
Investments will be collected until 2015-12-20.
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Our minimal “pool” goal is: 150 000 Eur.
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